Missing Monday #4: Bring Them Home

Jona B Season 1 Episode 22

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Episode #22: Hey Truecrimers, we're back with another segment of Missing Mondays. I hope you guys are staying vigilant and aware that a lot of times it's us that can crack the case, the right person just needs to hear it. Stay tuned for more updates, don’t forget to like and subscribe if you are enjoying this segment and just the show in general! Also, send us in any cases you want us to cover  at

Let's Help Find: Nevaeh Kingbird, Catherine Barbara Davidson, Kierra Coles, Jason Bruno Azure, and Emmilee Risling


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Jona B Speaker  0:00  

Hey TrueCrimers, I'm your host Jona B and welcome to another episode of true crime ish, where we try to tell the crimes as true as possible around here. So, we are back with another missing Monday segment. And for my people who may be new to the pod, are missing Monday episodes are shorter, but serve just as great of an impact. My co writer and I, we go out and sorry, that's a lot. We get online, and we gather more than a few missing people of color cases. Combine them all and get the details to y'all. We get the details, y'all because I believe that missing person cases are a numbers game. The greater amount of people that hears the details of this episode or just hears the details in general, the greater amount of hope, the greater the chance that we can actually help bring one of our victims home. These are not filler episodes, y'all. These episodes serve a purpose. These are the episodes I need us all actively listening to. If you know someone who was in the area or in the same time period, send them the details or send them to Episode help us get this information to as many people as possible y'all. I just wanted to once again reiterate what these missing Monday episodes are about. Just let y'all know that these are not like little easy, breezy little field throw something that child episodes just lead now my new listeners know what the heck going on with missing Monday. Now without further ado, let's help bring them home.

Speaker 1  1:59  
First up, we have Katherine Barbara Davidson. On September 1 1973, the Davidson family of eight including six kids traveled from Chicago, Illinois to SAR Michigan to visit Warren Dunes State Park for a nice family picnic. Once they arrived, Catherine's father, Robert Davidson and her stepmom Anna Davidson began to unpack the car. And while they were unpacking the car, you know, the kids started getting antsy. And they asked to go exploring the paint reveal drain. And of course the parental said yes. And for some this may give red flag but not to me. My mom, she has six kids. And it was always enough of us where someone would think twice before trying to snatch any one of us. If you saw one of us, you saw three or four of us. So as long as we you know, stay together, my mom would let us go and explore alone as well. I remember like one time, we were gone on our bikes for about 10 hours, you would think my mom would have been concerned but nope. It was me and my two little sister. So as long as we were together, we were cool. And thank God nothing ever happened to us. But about 15 minutes later the kids returned. But they were turned without their smallest any youngest sibling, Catherine Davidson, Robert and Anna, they wasted no time notifying the authorities and the search went underway. Immediately. The area was thoroughly searched. And the only thing that authorities found were a pair of green underpants, which were not confirmed or denied to be Katherine's and I don't know how they could not confirm or deny it. Like I'm pretty sure y'all help dress this girl. But we don't keep moving forward. This case was quickly going cold since the detectives did not have any leads to go on. The detectives did not like how Robert and Anna seem to carry on with life as normal. They were seeing drinking, laughing, partying and just carrying on not the behavior that you would expect from parents whose child is currently missing. But all five of the kids that were there that day they backed up their parents stories so they had nothing to implicate the Davis's wit so the case grew even chillier. Cute little Catherine who went by Kathy and all she really was the cutest little doll you had to check out the Instagram at True Crime ish for pigs, but she was six years old at the time of her disappearance. She was three foot 10 and weighed about 70 pounds. She was laughing wearing a white blouse, blue shorts and white sandals. See she's just so cute. She also has brown eyes and black hair that was braided in cornrows at the time of her disappearance. In 2017 44 years after Catherine had disappeared Yes 44 years after Catherine had disappeared, her case began to stir. Catherine sister joy, who had been born after Catherine went missing, has something interesting to tell police. Joy came to the police station fed up with her mother. She had a story to tell about her sister that she had never met, but had her died from being trapped in a closet by her mother Anna. Joyce said that Kathy was never at Warren Dunes State Park with the rest of the family like they had originally said. Joy said that Kathy was bound and gagged before being locked in a small closet. Apparently her older siblings heard her scratching and begging to get out all night. And the next morning when one of them finally decided to open the closet door. Kathy was balled into a fetal position, not moving. What was done with her corpse was never discussed, and the detectives were highly intrigued by what joy was saying. Especially since it was coupled with Anna being the reason behind the death of two toddlers and a cult that she had been running apparently, after investigating Joyce claims by interviewing former cult members and some of Anna's children. The detectives could confirm the allegations about the two children who were killed in this coal. Anna was apprehended in late 2017, where she was charged with a two counts of murder. And in 2021, Anna made a deal with prosecution and pleaded no contest to second degree murder and manslaughter. In the other case, sentencing her to the grand total of 30 years in prison. Anna was 78 at the time of her sentence, and will go on to serve 33 whole days before she died in prison. never mentioning or confessing to the disappearance of Catherine Barbara Davis thing, causing her to steal be listed as a missing person never properly being put to rest. I hate to think about what really went down in that household or what really happened to this sweet young girl. But if you know anything, and I mean anything at all, please contact Michigan State Police at 269-683-4411 Kathy's case number is five four, Dash 1696 Dash seven three, wherever she may be resting, she deserves to have a proper burial.

Speaker 1  7:49  
If you know anything, please hit those digits. Up next we have novella kingbird 15. Your own availa was last seen by her mom after a party around 1am On October 22 2021, near the southern part of Bemidji, Minnesota, probably saying that all the way wrong but y'all get it. On the night of her disappearance. Nevada's mom Teddy came home to find her partying and intoxicated with a dozen of her friends she confronted and Ivanka and her friends, but some type of way another team intervened and the video took off. almost two months later, still with no sign of novella. Teddy receives some info from her son. Apparently that night when they ran off, her and a friend climbed into another friend's window. And she spent some time over there until she later less and went back out the window that she came through. And eight hours after that. A couple reported a female matching nefarious description came knocking at the door. And they later found two windows broken like someone was looking for shelter. I don't know how they put that together like that. I'm just reporting these details as I found them. And with that info, Nevada's family started search parties in those cold snowy months have followed, eventually finding a pair of frozen women's jeans, a sweatshirt that looked like one of Nevada's grandmothers owned and some makeup but so far it's unclear if any of the items belonged in a day. I don't know if they found these items in the snow. It did not say that I'm not sure what the search took place. But these are the items that they found. The Vega is American Indian and has brown eyes and black hair with blonde highlights. She is five foot four weighing 120 pounds, and she was last seen wearing a red sweatshirt with the Chicago Bulls. logo and a pair of blue jeans. Nevada has a scar over her left eyebrow and on the back of her left thigh. anyone with any information is asked to call the Bemidji or whoever you said it police at 218-333-9111 or you can also contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at one 800 The loss. Next up we have Emily Ruslan. Emily has been missing since October 14 2021 and the Westpac area of California, but she wasn't reported missing until October 18 2021. I don't know why it took four days but it took four days to report this Jeremy saying she was last seen walking across a bridge near a place marked in the road, a far corner of the York reservation where the pavement dissolves into the woods. Emily was from the Hoopa Valley tribe. She's a college graduate from the University of Oregon, and she's also a mother of two. Emily's disappearance is highly concerning, because she struggled for years with addiction and mental health issues. And just one month before she was last seen. Police were called to the Hoopa Valley tribal cemetery where there were reports of a naked woman standing next to a voyeur that had gotten way out of control. It was indeed Emily, and it appeared as though she set fire to some of the grave sites. She was taken into Humboldt County Correctional Facility for arson and indecent exposure. Going back to her disappearance, nine days later on October 27, the Yorick Hoopa Valley and Karuk tribes in conjunction with the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office collaborated on the search for Emily. It wasn't until an Associated Press article that came out in February of 2022 when Emily's story was actually highlighted nationwide. Her family now has custody of Emily's two year old daughter and 10 year old son, who acts to search for his mom on a daily basis. She was 32 years old at the time of her disappearance, bought the two and when weighing 142 pounds, with short brown hair and brown eyes. There's also a $20,000 reward for her location or return and if you had any information about Emily's disappearance, call the Hoople travel police dispatch at 530-625-4202. Next up we have Chiara Coles on October 2 2018 Kara Coles was doing a little shopping at the mall. She had just found out she was pregnant not too long ago, so she was just over the moon excited. She could not help but stop and get things for the baby. Whenever she was at a store. She still wasn't 100% sure on what all she really needed. So she called her mom of course, like she always did, and just walked and talked to her mom while shopping. After she filled her basket with a bunch of baby goodies. She was ready to go ahead and head home and take her items in side. That evening. Kara is seen leaving her home with her boyfriend slash baby daddy via neighbor surveillance camera. And from there she's seen via camera footage going to the ATM and a 24 hour Walgreens to withdraw $400 Which Kia was mom said was so unusual because Kara was a strict spender and now budgeting for a baby. Once Kira grab the money from the ATM, she is seen leaving the store and headed back to her car. And I watched this video a few times to see if I could catch any odd behavior at all

Speaker 1  14:09  
back here, but I didn't find anything. It just seemed like she was making a normal like late night store run. Fast forward an hour later. You can see Kara's car returning to her home park just a little farther down the street than before. And you see her baby daddy getting out the passenger seat but no one ever exits is the driver's seat. Kara Coles was just last seen at the Walgreens an hour prior. And that is the last sighting of three month pregnant 26 year old here. Her boyfriend slash baby daddy was looked into as a person of injuries. He clearly left with care, but he was the only one that returned And the next morning, he came back to Kara's house, went inside the apartment, grabbed whatever he grabbed, came back out and left his car again, all on surveillance village. And at first, he was cooperative. But being that he was the last one to see her according to the videos, the police were putting the pressure on him. And you would think that someone who you thought loved you and has helped you create your very first child will want to seek justice for you. Or at least stick around to help search for you. But nope, not this guy. He got out of town as soon as he could and went to stay with one of his other baby mamas key areas. Case Of course grew cold over time. No leads, no one stepping up to say anything. Key era see seem to be getting further and further away. But gears sisters are still waiting for her to be returned home safe and sound with their little niece or nephew. They gathered to celebrate care every year on her birthday September 24. Hoping each year that this will be their last celebration without her. Tierra has dark Brown hair. Brown eyes, she is five foot four inches weighing 125 pounds. She has a heart on her right hand and a tattoo that says lucky Libra on the back of her hand. If anyone has any information about what happened to his care, please call the Chicago Police Department at 833-408-0069 and you could get a reward of $46,000 if it helps leads to care. Y'all know y'all need that money. So stop plan. Go ahead and turn wherever you need to turn in. And last but not least, we have Jason Bruno Azura. This missing person case is a lot different than most. On April 27 2018, Jason Bruno Azura was out with a group of friends and family in Roosevelt County, Montana. At some point during the evening, all the happy smiles and hearty laughter turned quiet when the group came along the Missouri river bank and saw two people that were struggling to stay afloat and water, basically drowning. Jason a devoted husband of 11 years and amazing father of five, a loving brother, and a very cool uncle to his nieces and nephews did not even give it a second thought when he jumped in to save the two struggling swimmers. He jumped in and ate it the two back to shore. But the river that was running high and fast mix with the water being 42 degrees seem to take Jason with it. The police and search team came out and searched that area and the water thoroughly adjacent was not found and has not been seen since it is presumed that he drowned. But with no body, it is hard to be definitive. And although he has already had a home going, his casket was empty. And for such an amazing man and hero. His family deserves to have his body to me. If Jason D drown as presumed his body should have turned up during the search. If by chance someone may have you know, come across a body in the area or maybe in my movie brain, someone found and help a man laid out by the river and the God maybe had amnesia had no idea who he was. But he was like 40 years old, six foot, three 300 pounds, Native American brown hair and brown eyes, please contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs at 406-768-3207 or the Roosevelt County Sheriff's Office at 406-489-1564. And that ties up another missing Monday segment. I hope that some of this rings a bell to someone some way somehow, all I want to do is be able to help bring one of our victims home. Also it is on my bucket list to help. It will not help to solve a mystery. So I don't know this is all very important to me. And I hope that you guys take these episodes very seriously. Before we end I do have an update on one of our previous missing Monday victims. It's a little well, not a little it's a lot of unfortunate news to report about Courtland Chase moody around September 28 of this year. Local officials discovered human remains that are consistent with the body of Cortland search teams found the remains and US small pond while conducting a search of an area located around Mississippi Highway 57, roughly a mile from Moody's residents on Williams drive, where he was last seen before going missing. Sheriff Stanley McCloy told the herald that he is extremely confident that the remains are those of 17 year old Courtland. Although at the time of the publication, they were awaiting DNA verification. So we'll let y'all know how that turns up when they actually do receive the DNA verification back. But yes, very unfortunate to hear that that may be Courtland, but at the same time, fortunate that his possible body was located so he can have a proper burial. As I always say, I hope you guys are staying vigilant and aware that a lot of times it is us that can crack these cases, the right person just needs to hear it. And until next time, stay warm, stay cold, stay wherever you want to be. But make sure that we are always being aware of our surroundings and knowing that anything can happen to us at any time. So be right with the people in your life. Be right with yourself because not to be scary but shit be happening. Until next time, love y'all. Bye

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